There is a natural order to life. An in breath and an out breath, expansion and contraction. Everything in nature follows this rhythm. Including us.
The sun rises and sets. We wake and we sleep. The seasons open and close. The Moon fades and swells. The tides ebb and flow. The flowers rest in their swaddled layers and then unfold in their beauty. The Earth is a sentient being. And she is far more intelligent and powerful than we are. We forget this too often. There are a few things that attempt to live outside of this natural order. Our global economic system is one of them. Cancer is another. Cancer grows until it is removed and killed or until it kills its host. Either way, its unnatural growth is short-lived. You probably see where I’m going with this. Like cancer, global capitalism requires constant growth and feeding. And while it is not in danger of killing its larger host, planet Earth, it is in danger of killing its creator, us. Music delights us because of the spaces between the notes. Mother Earth knows more about music than we can imagine. After all, she created it. We only mimic and aspire to her talents. It could be then, that the chaos and the shutdown caused by covid-19 are just the Earth asking us to take a breath. Reminding us who is actually running things. I understand there are real casualties to this crisis. Businesses and lives included. It is also important to remember that there are real casualties to how we’ve been living, to our addictions to oil and consumer goods of all kinds. Casualties that include the health and wellness of ourselves and the planet. Casualties that could very well include the extinction of the human race. In that light, this could be just the kind of space between the notes we need. Be well. Take care of yourselves. Reach out to each other often. Take the time for longer conversations, more books, things you want to learn. Take the time to find beauty. And to share it.
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